πŸ’… Nailpolish Of The Week – Essence 04 Bonbon Babe (glossy jelly nail polish).

Hi there beautiful people! I hope you’re all doing well. For today’s video I am sitting down to paint both of my hands’ nails and talk about this pretty Essence nail polish called Bonbon Babe which is from the Glossy Jelly collection. ADDED BONUS: baby sounds during the voice over ;)

If you have questions you’d like me to answer in future videos, let me know in the comments below.

Continue reading πŸ’… Nailpolish Of The Week – Essence 04 Bonbon Babe (glossy jelly nail polish).

Our Baby’s Gender & Name Reveal!

Hi there beautiful people! A lot of you have been asking and guessing the name and gender of our rainbow baby, and I felt like there’s no better way to reveal it than in a nailpolish of the week video.

Continue reading Our Baby’s Gender & Name Reveal!

When hope and love are bigger than fear… 🌈

When hope and love are bigger than fear…

I’ve waited and prayed for this moment for so long. I’m grateful for being able to get pregnant again after losing our beautiful baby girl Aurora last year and to finally announce I’m carrying our so longed and wished for rainbow baby 🌈

Continue reading When hope and love are bigger than fear… 🌈