Aliexpress Nailart Haul (Waterdecals & Gems)💅

Finally some of my last 11-11 haul items came in the mail and I really wanted to share them with you in this first haul video of the year :) I got a ton of waterdecals and some mixed pots with gems and more!

As usual: if you want any links let me know in the comments down below and I will look them up for you!

Continue reading Aliexpress Nailart Haul (Waterdecals & Gems)💅

❤ Valentine’s Day Smoosh Marble Nails (Super Easy Nailart!)💅

This year I also wanted to make a couple of easy to do nailart designs with regular nailpolishes on natural nails. This smoosh marble nailart is so easy to do, the most work it’ll be is cleaning up around the cuticle area and placing the little hearts ;)

Continue reading ❤ Valentine’s Day Smoosh Marble Nails (Super Easy Nailart!)💅

💅 Aliexpress Nailart Supplies Haul (Last One Of 2018!)

In this aliexpress nailart supplies haul I am showing you some of the items I bought during the 11/11 sale.

This will be my last aliexpress video of the year, since it is 2019 next week already! Don’t worry, there are some other videos still to go live this upcoming week ;)

Continue reading 💅 Aliexpress Nailart Supplies Haul (Last One Of 2018!)

❄️ Winter Nailart Week #6 – Monochrome Snowflakes Gelpolish ❄️

This year I wanted to do something special during the holiday season so I came up with Winter Nailart Week. In this week I will be uploading 7 days in a row, sharing wintery and xmas proof nailart designs with regular nailpolish and gelpolish.

The 6th design is a black and white monochrome snowflake design made with different gelpolishes and some lovely gems :)

Continue reading ❄️ Winter Nailart Week #6 – Monochrome Snowflakes Gelpolish ❄️

💅 Aliexpress Nail Practice Hand (First Impressions & Review).

I have been wanting to get myself a practice hand for so long, and during the 11/11 sale on aliexpress I finally found one for a really decent price. If you are curious what I think about it, please watch and enjoy :)

Continue reading 💅 Aliexpress Nail Practice Hand (First Impressions & Review).