Back From Thailand!

Hi guys and dolls!

If you are one of my dear instagram or snapchat followers you would have known that for the past 3 weeks I was in Thailand. We really wanted to go to a warm country in the east this fall and deceided Thailand was the place to be ;)

& yes, that is me with my pink bag and pink little suitcase :3

I will make a few posts and videos about our 3 week trip (reviews of the hotels and massage and beauty parlors, and even some tips for makeup lovers if you are curious), but for now I just wanted to give you a quick and short update on my life.

In our 3 week holiday I have been sick for about 2 weeks. It all started with a severe cold on my 27th birthday *october 6th* which turned into a pretty bad flue and lasted on and off for about 2 weeks. As the controlling planner freak I am, I already bought painkillers and all that jazz on forehand, but I did had to get another medicine in Thailand because the other stuff just didn’t work that well and not fast enough. Thankfully I did start to feel better in our last week while staying in Bangkok, and I was able to fly back to Amsterdam for almost 12 hours straight without puking all over the place.

Eventhough I got sick (and the husband a bit aswell) we did have an awesome time and I would love to go back there next year. I do have to say that I’m also really happy to be back home again and cuddle with my 2 cats. I LOVE living in the Netherlands so much I even smiled when I went out in the autumn rain to get some groceries. (I am such a nerd…)

Being away for a couple of weeks really makes you gratefull for everything that you’ve got. I have seen a lot of poverty too in Thailand and it made me realise that we really do have a great life and that there are no reasons to be unhappy or depressed.

In the next couple of weeks I will be writing a lot of blogposts and make some new vids, so stay tuned! ;)

x femketje

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2 thoughts on “Back From Thailand!”

  1. Ja ik het toen meegekregen op je Instagram dat je ziek was, echt balen!! Jammer dat je dat niet kunt uitkiezen wanneer je ziek gaat worden. Maar gelukkig heb je het er toch naar je zin gehad.

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