Get To Know Femketje ā€“ November 2017.

Hi lovelies! So the holiday season has begun and I felt like it was time to write a new personal get to know femketje post. I have always made these articles montly at every end of a month, but I feel like I have missed a few because of having not enough time or stuff to tell you guys. But today I wanted to give you all a quick update how life has been to me <3

November was a really busy month for me with lots of changes in my job and how I feel about blogging and making yt videos. I have really gotten back into filming new content and just loving making looks, reviews and nail art designs for you guys.

Eventhough my fulltime job kinda wears me out from time to time and I can’t wait till everything calms down again there, I do get lots of energy of writing posts and sharing my content all around the world wide web! There are so many kind, sweet and loving people out there who I would love to meet and share ideas with. The only issue is not having enough time >.< But apart from that I really appreciate all the comments here on my blog, through email, instagram, facebook and youtube.

As I mentioned in a previous video I am changing up my beautyroom, getting a new (2nd hand) desk and throwing out my old one. Which is kinda hard for me to do since I got that desk for one of my birthdays when I was around the age of 11 or 12. But it has had it’s best time in the 15+ years I have worn it out and used it with so much love. But since I am getting a new desk, which is a lot smaller than the one I own now, I do need to make myself (or buy) a new smaller side table to actually work on nail art videos and looks. So that is still a work in progress but I will definitely show you guys an updated room tour video when I am done!

This next upcoming month I will be decorating the house, cause you know me: I am an xmas addict and would like to throw glitter and lights on about everything and everyone around the house :DĀ  And for the blog and youtube: just continue watching ;)

x femketje

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4 thoughts on “Get To Know Femketje ā€“ November 2017.”

  1. Ik ken het probleem om soms te weinig tijd te hebben om de tijd aan je blog te besteden die je wilt. Ben benieuwd naar je beauty kamer!!

  2. Aww jammer van je oude bureau, maar wel fijn dat je er al zolang herinneringen aan hebt. Tijd voor verandering dus :-)

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