Column – What Would You Do With 1 Million Dollars?

Sometimes when I am at work, me and my colleagues talk about random stuff such as what each of us would do with a million dollar… I thought it would be fun to make a new column about it!

The first thing I would do is pay off my parents’ mortgage and other debt they might have. I would buy a bigger home with more space and start my own nailsalon :)

Thinking about what I would do with such a huge amount of money also made me think about all the times me and my now husband didn’t had much at all. We really started with nothing, struggled for years and years and look where we are now. Both still working hard, building our own home and even making plans for the near future. We want to travel a lot before we start trying to have kids, and all of these trips cost a lot of money.

Some people found it strange when I told them we actually never went on a holiday for the first 12 years of our relationship. We simply didn’t have the financial needs to go. We would rather save money and try to build a decent home. And I am glad we did it that way, eventhough we never went on awesome vacations or went out a lot. Our first real holiday was last february… and it was EPIC spending valentine’s day in NYC! So I guess we would try and plan awesome trips with the rest of the money. Travel and see the world!

What would you do with a million dollars?

x femketje

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2 thoughts on “Column – What Would You Do With 1 Million Dollars?”

  1. Leuk om te lezen :D Wat zou ik ermee doen? Sowieso wat aan mijn familie geven en daarna reizen naar Japan en Australië. En natuurlijk groter wonen met een grote, luxe badkamer.

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