When I scroll around on instagram, facebook and twitter, I see a lot of gorgeous (beauty)photos shared from all around the world. I really love looking at them and getting inspired to make new looks myself. The only downside to it is that I can see that the shots have been overly photoshopped and retouched. The skin doesn’t look real anymore. It has no pores, no fine lines, wrinkles or (acne)scarring and just looks plastic and airbrushed like its life depended on it.
That is why I love to share my work that is mostly unedited (apart from my link and/or name that is put in the shot). For me delivering good and honest work onto the internet is all about real shots and working with great lighting and a decent camera. Make your photography skills stand out and learn while trying out new things.
That way you are not “lying” to the world that looks at your shots, thinking it is perfect… While it really isn’t perfect at all without all the editing, retouching, brushes and filters. I love sharing my not perfect skin, in all of its non perfect glory. Yes, I do have pores, fine lines and even some wrinkles now I’m turning 27 already this year. Because I am a human being and not made of plastic. I do struggle with acne from time to time, but I will never photoshop my scars away. Great makeup skills will fix that for you ;)
Please show the world who you truly are. You are so much more beautiful without a filter. Skipping retouching and photoshop will drive you to work harder on your gorgeous makeup looks, because why edit a shot into something unreal when there is nothing that has to be edited?
I want to end this short column with a disclaimer. This article isn’t about photoshop hating, or disliking seeing beautifully edited photos online or in real life. When editing is done to a minimum it still shows real skin and real men and women. Everyone will prefer something else, I just prefer realness and artistic skills apart from retouching, filters and photoshop.
x femketje
Helemaal gelijk! Ik bewerk ook nooit zo mijn foto’s, het enige dat ik doe is de kleur en/ of contrast bewerken zodat het wat meer bij de rest van mijn fotografie stijl past. Het enige moment dat ik die bewerkte foto’s echt mooi vind: wanneer het cosplay foto’s zijn :3
Amen to that!
Wat een interessant column! Zelf vind ik het vaak wel mooi als er ÊÊn filter over een foto heen zit (bijvoorbeeld over een selfie heen). Maar ik vind het niet helemaal juist als mensen op foto’s slanker worden gemaakt en dergelijke door photoshop.
Wauw, heel mooi geschreven en helemaal mee eens :D Mensen maken elkaar makkelijk onzeker op internet door foto’s van zichzelf te photoshoppen, onzekere mensen, like me, denken of dachten vaak, hun huid is wel heel mooi. Terwijl het dus vaak bewerkt wordt.
Dat inderdaad!