🎁25K Subscriber Giveaway (Complete Pink Gellac Gelpolish Kit!).

Thank you soooo much for your ongoing support! 25K subs is a huge milestone for me and for that reason I am doing a couple of giveaways, starting off with this Pink Gellac gelpolish manicure kit that one of you will win :) I will also be doing a small regular nail polish giveaway soon, and maybe another one with some cute nail art supplies.

I have asked you in a poll a little while ago if you’d like me to do 1 big giveaway like last time, or if you’d prefer multiple smaller ones: You have chosen for the latter so that’s why there will be multiple smaller giveaways for this time’s celebration :D

Entering is only at youtube underneath this video in the comment section <3

x femketje

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contact: business@femketje.nl

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