Most Worn Jewelry.

There are always those key items every woman has in her jewelry collection. I have some life long faves as well and I would like to share those with you in this short post :)

First of all my rings: On the left is my white gold wedding band which is a really simple one but I love it so much! The 3 rings stacked together are my engagement rings which I wear as one big ring. These are by Otazu and just plain silver but they look kinda snazzy when wearing them.

I LOVE chokers, as you might have noticed by all the glamour shots I post wearing them. This one is pretty old school and reminds me of my childhood back in the 90’s. And I love the cross as well, always reminds me of my mom. But so does the necklace on the right. I got that one as a graduation gift of my parents, that was in 2012 so 5 years ago already. Time really does fly but jewelry never fades!

The last item is a simple piercing. I wear these as regular earrings but wear them as my 2 helix piercings as well. They’re made of surgical steel and I don’t have to take them all out when I travel by plane, so that’s a big plus!

x femketje

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5 thoughts on “Most Worn Jewelry.”

    1. Ja dat had ik dus ook altijd tot ik besloot gewoon standaard piercings in te doen :D En mijn ringen gaan echt bijna nooit af dus kan ik ze ook niet vergeten :3

  1. Ziet er leuk uit hoor, chokers zijn ook echt mijn favoriet (vroeger mocht ik ze volgens mij nooit).
    Ik draag alleen niet vaak genoeg sieraden, oops! Mijn oorbel (ik heb ÊÊn oorbel, omdat ik uniek wil zijn haha) draag ik wel dagelijks ^^

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