Father’s Day 2018 Gift Guide!

image: Jelleke Vanooteghem

Since this weekend it is Father’s Day here in The Netherlands, it is about time to figure out already what to get our dads this year. As usual I am pretty much late with getting my dad something, and because this weekend it is my husband’s birthday too, I totally forgot to get my dad something. He already is a tough one to get presents for as it is. He prefers us ‘kids’ to just be at our parents’ place on days like that instead of bringing gifts. But since I am already looking for guy presents, hence the husband’s birthday, I really wanted to share some of my picks with you for some extra inspiration.

First up: selecting a place where I can find multiple gifts at a time, because gift shopping; ain’t nobody got time for that! Especially when you are like me and working 5 days a week and really wanting to sleep for days on the weekends. So I actually found some diverse gifst at Primera where you can even order online (so more time to sleep in on the weekend!). When looking for a gift I try to come up with something original but still personal. My dad is an old inland shipping captain, but buying him a new boat is pretty much out of budget. I know that he loves to read, especially history books or anything with boats will work. Also, chocolate is a winner to buy, aswell as some buttery Scottish cake.

So far the search for my old man ;) Now up to a good birthday gift for the other love of my life, my husband. Who isn’t a dad yet btw, and no there isn’t a bun in the oven yet. But it is good to know that I can find a couple of personal gifts for him too since his birthday is so close to father’s day. Fortunately I have a great cook for a husband so a couple of new oven gloves are always welcome. I also really love the engraved beer and wine glasses, but we already have so much glasses it is insane. Though, it is a great gift idea!

I think the most important thing to keep in mind when you are shopping for your dad, husband or even brother or friend is to keep it personal. When you’ve put a lot of thought in a gift, people will love it no matter what. Thinking about someone means a lot. And even if you can’t figure it out right away: go for a nice card with some sweet words and a box of chocolates!

x femketje

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contact: business@femketje.nl

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